quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2007

On Getting Punched In The Face

It's been a while since I've done any serious boxing sparring. I kid myself that this is because I love jujitsu and would rather use my time to get better at that, but really it's just that I don't really like getting punched in the face.

Or do I?

The thing is, if you want to learn to defend yourself - really, properly defend yourself - you are going to have to get punched in the face. Probably more than once, and ideally by somebody who knows how to punch people in the face properly. Because the first time it happens you aren't going to know what the hell's going on, and that's not too bad if the other person sees you're rocked and backs off, but absolutely terrible if they want to knock you to the floor and then keep doing hurtful things to you. The amount of people - sadly, often girls - who tell me that they're confident about being in a fight because they 'did kickboxing' for two years - then explain that they never really sparred properly - honestly terrifies me.

Anyway, it's been a while for me, but tonight at training I did four things that I'd honestly recommend to anyone who wants to get used to being hit in the face. Maybe you can try them at work!

1. Spar with a tennis ball tucked under your chin. If you let the tennis ball drop, you're being too skittish.

2. Let someone punch you - very gently - in the forehead for a minute or so.

3. Spin around loads, then shadowbox. Not only is this fun, it gets you used to hitting people while dizzy.

4. Spar with someone eight inches taller than you, so that he clocks you in the face constantly.

Jesus, my face hurts.

Um comentário:

Sarah Ditum disse...

Ha! I have had precisely enough martial arts classes to know that I have no chance against anyone who's determined to hurt me. When my jujitsu instructor announced he was going to show us how to defend ourselves with broken bottles, it occurred to me that fighting was probably not my thing. Anyway, then I found out I was pregnant and sparring with a bellyful of child didn't seem like a very good idea.